Monday, May 6, 2019

Two-Prong Approach to Reduce Our Local Tax Burden

1.    Lower your property appraisal amount- by lowing the appraised value of your property, you can reduce how much extra you pay in taxes regardless of the tax rates. You have until May 15th to file your protest.
·    Call Collin CAD and get them to send you the comps they used to assess your property’s market value. They are at 866.467.1110
·   Type in your address in the property search on Collin CAD’s website. Once there, click on the map and explore the other houses around you and their values. You will see some discrepancies. If your neighbor’s value is unavailable, that means they've already filed a protest.
·   You can protest for 2 reasons: an incorrect appraised market value and value is unequal compared with other properties. Do both. Collect comps around you, write down anything that would lower your value inside or outside your house. Be prepared with pictures and info to back you up.
·   There is no harm in trying. Even a small reduction in value of $5k lowers how much extra per $100 of your property’s appraised value taxing entities can get.

2.    Be vocal with your city, your school district, Collin College, and the county that you do not want      waste in the budget that will prevent meaningful tax rate reductions. Budget season has started. It  isn’t too early to start pounding that message.

·  Your apathy means we all will pay more in taxes.
·  We have to be vocal and visible lobbyists for lower tax rates.
·  Attend budget workshops, take surveys, attend meetings, and email your representatives. 

Email them all, but concentrating on the ISD and city is your best bet for more tax relief: 

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