Sunday, September 29, 2024

McKinney’s Community Development Corporation Changes Focus

The current mayor and council members have slowly refocused the McKinney Community Development Corporation’s (MCDC) focus in what it funds and doesn’t fund. At MCDC’s recent strategic planning meeting held July 9th, the president of the MCDC, Cindy Schneible, said the following about the changing priorities:

“…I think our projects have that economic development cast, so we really need to think about how we want to report this out going forward. The larger percentage of our grants are outside of parks...It used to be a lot going to non-profit organizations for museum and entertainment, Heard Wildlife Museum, or Heard Craig, or Chestnut Square, and those are a smaller percentage of our overall grants that are being awarded. The big ones are airport and things like City Hall Plaza, Tupps, so…”

Three members of the City Council, Mayor Fuller, Pro Tem Feltus, and At Large Jones, were present and participated in the strategic planning process. This was an audio-only meeting that lasted over two and a half hours. I listened to the meeting and had it transcribed by an AI transcription service. 

Here are the key discussions and decisions from the meeting:

1. Airport–According to the Mayor, the airport will continue to get some funding from the MCDC. The recent $3.6M given to the airport for infrastructure was not a one-off.

2. Tunnel Park—The MCDC will also be asked to fund the underground tunnel park under Highway 5.

3. City Parks Funding—the ten-year requirement or directive for the MCDC to fund city parks a certain amount every year ($5.5M or so) will be ending soon. The directive will not be renewed; MCDC will just continue to fund it. A lack of a directive or requirement means that city leadership can decide at a future time to stop financing city parks. If the MCDC stops, citizens will have to cover the cost through their taxes.

4. The MCDC board made it clear that the relationship with MISD is broken. MISD makes it very difficult to rent space. MISD will also kick out those who rent space on short notice to make room for a school group. 

5. MCDC got the green light to pursue economic development deals, just like the MEDC. They will issue requests for proposals for what city leaders decide are priorities.

6. City leadership wants the MCDC to pursue convention space when that has traditionally been the job of the MEDC.

7. Leadership seems to want a luxury hotel. 
8. They want a community gathering place that is also a development of some sort.

Mayor Fuller spoke about a resort/hotel/convention space and the airport both being top priorities for the MEDC and MCDC. This audio was captured around the 1:30 range.

At Large Jones stressed the need to prioritize the following:

“I think, honestly, the airport, and just remember what the D stands for, whether it's EDC or CDC, it's development. Development. So when we talk about community development, what are we lacking? We lack hotel space. We lack entertainment venues. That's key. We can mow a lawn for parks all day long, but it's community development and economic development. So that should be the key priorities always. And it should be...You don't have a number on this. You just kind of list them out. Development.”

Mayor Pro Tem Feltus wanted to make clear that the MCDC should seek out developments to fund:

“I would definitely say I would like to see us be a little more proactive about finding the developments that are really right for McKinney. I think a lot of times, and this is not just CDC, but we kind of wait for things to come to us instead of us going to look for what really fits for us. How many of you guys have flown somewhere else, looked at a development, looked at an entertainment venue, a hotel, anybody on this board?”

MCDC’s current $35M fund balance reflects a clear change in funding priorities. Clearly, less money is going to community-type causes, and more money is being saved for development-type causes.

Because CDCs have such broad legal provisions governing how sales tax funds can be spent, city leaders can tailor goals at will. The MCDC board members are all appointed by the City Council. The City Council tells the MCDC what priorities should be pursued. 

Last February, the City Council voted 6-1 to ask the MEDC and the MCDC to fund the cost of infrastructure needed for a commercial airport (or maybe the expansion of the general aviation airport if the commercial airport does not pan out). This vote came nearly a year after the citizens of McKinney decisively voted down a $200M bond election to fully fund a commercial airport.

City officials spent nearly a year trying to figure out how to pay for a commercial airport without bonding through the citizens before finally settling on these two revenue streams. This city council resolution was for $3.6M from the MCDC.

The city council meeting was heated. Many in the community sent emails and spoke in person. They feared this one-time diversion of money to the airport would become the norm. They wondered what community events and non-profits would miss out on funding if the MCDC started paying for the airport as well as the MEDC. City Council chastised citizens from the dais for believing that the MCDC's commitment to the community would be changed.

Unfortunately, city residents' fears turned out to be reasonable. The MCDC's priorities have changed at the behest of city leadership.

Please see this past article regarding MCDC's funding denial of McKinney's own Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary here.




  1. Doesn’t MCDC have nonprofit designation with the IRS? If so it’s supposed to be exclusively for exempt purposes. These changes sound highly commercial in nature and controlled by politicians. I wonder how far it’s pushing the boundaries of what’s considered acceptable to keep that classification.

    1. A 501c3 must support exempt purposes. The IRS defines exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3) as charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals.

      Where exactly does “airport” fall under the defined exempt purposes? Someone needs to file a complaint with the IRS. Our city government is despicable. What kind of city disregards the desires of the constituency? The citizens are stupid. The government knows best you know?

  2. Brigette, you’ve once again explained with great veracity how this Mayor and his Council are infatuated with any kind of commercial development and how they have indiscriminately diverted taxpayer funds from non-commercial projects that have made McKinney uniquely livable.

  3. First the MCDC is not a 501(c)(3).

    Then you have to love the “spin” this website puts on everything making it sound like certain projects do not fit in the actual Goals of the MCDC and only talking about the things they do not like and almost never taking about the other things.

    The Goals of the McKinney Community Development Corporation (MCDC) are to grant funds to a broad range of organizations each year; from the Parks & Recreation department to community & convention facilities and community service organizations. MCDC provides three types of grants: projects, promotions & community events and retail development Infrastructure grants.

    Now let’s talk about some of the grants from the August 22, 2024 meeting that this site does not want to talk about.

    Awarded project grants include:

    * $5.5 million to the city’s Parks and Recreation Department for major renovations at McKinney’s Erwin Park
    * $1 million to the city’s Parks and Recreation Department for improvements to Gabe Nesbitt Community Park
    * $35,000 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Collin County for upgrades to indoor athletics facilities, and installing turf for soccer and flag football
    * $5,000 to the YMCA of McKinney to replace equipment and prepare for the reopening of a public-accessible playground
    * About $110,000 to McKinney Main Street to refresh Downtown McKinney Christmas decorations
    * About $517,000 to Sanchez Charities for the creation of the Neighbor Hub, a collaborative resource center for nonprofit service providers in McKinney
    * Over half a million dollars was awarded to the Neighbor Hub project, an initiative to create a resource center for nonprofit service providers. The initiative includes constructing three buildings totalling 9,000-square-feet that will include space for operations of five nonprofit organizations: Hope Restored Missions, Community Lifeline Center, Emmanuel Labor, Streetside Showers and McKinney Little Free Pantry

    1. Not a 501c3? So the MCDC truly is a government slush fund with no guard rails.

    2. The non-profit part comes from the State. They would be a State non-profit.

      Then you have the Federal Tax Exempt status which is one of the 34, 501(c) designations you can get. You then become a Tax exempt - non profits. Last checked their 501(c) was revoked so not really sure?

    3. Wow your right just think of all the good that $3.6 million would have done the community if the MCDC hadn't been used as slush fund to help fund an airport, that an overwhelming majority of citizens do not want to fund?

    4. Sooo nearly twice as much money was granted for the airport than everything else combined except the the parks project. No spin. Despicable.

  4. I thought the airport was voted down??

    1. Nope the funding for the airport using direct allocation of tax dollars was voted down. We’re still paying for the airport but with tax dollars funneled through the MCDC. It’s a total sham.

  5. Our city government doesn’t care what the citizens want. According to George and friends, the airport expansion wasn’t voted down just the tax money to fund it.

    You will get a commercial airport and you will like it!!!

  6. I believe the MCDC receives taxpayer funding. This crap will never end until we stop it. Don’t let Fuller run again by voting NO to Prop A.


  8. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/35/05/3E5723E8-7D65-470A-8141-D225DD82A21D/IMG_1444.heic

    Read this! This is “our” mayor. Stay classy Georgie!

  9. Sorry for the bad link. Check it out on McKinney Citizens for integrity!

  10. MCDC and all similar accounts need to be outlawed…. These accounts are nothing more than a way for city’s to hide spending and put money into projects that lack taxpayer approval.

    It’s unreal they are even allowed to exist as is. These should be called tax theft accounts, because that is exactly what they are.
