Monday, November 29, 2021

A For Real Cement Batch Plant Application to TCEQ (to go right above the soon-to-be cement recycling plant)

Many residents of McKinney warned about this when the recycling plant was in front of city council last month because TXI bought land above it earlier in the year. It was pointed out to the city council. 

The worry was that once the city approved of something related to concrete right by it, TXI would be emboldened to move their concrete batch plants there. Less than a month later, this is what has happened. The recycling plant was approved on 10/19/21. TXI applied for a TCEQ permit for a concrete batch plant on 11/1/21.

History: TXI has a concrete batch plant on Hwy 5 that has been a lot of trouble to local residents over the years including operating during off hours, noise, dust, and a dust explosion all over on houses and an elementary school (even with TCEQ oversight...hmmm). The city has tried to get them out of the city through some rule changes that may or may not hold water. Last year, TXI sued the city. Please see TXI Operations, LP, Plaintiff vs. City of McKinney, Texas, Defendants, Civil Action No. 4:20-CV-00353, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas from an August 4, 2020 work session in Legistar. There have been ongoing negotiations...with the city losing a recent request to dismiss in the courts. 

This TXI land is still in McKinney's ETJ, so it isn't city. It is county. I asked a county person how these things are approved and the county person said all TXI has to do is get TCEQ approval and that's it. 

The cynic in me imagines the future will go something like this...the city will work with TXI to also get annexed while also giving them approval for the concrete batch plant because someone will say doing it this way will allow the city to have some control on the zoning side. They will also say that since a concrete recycling plant is already going up right next to it, a concrete batch plant will be a good fit there. 

Please see the application. 

Batch Plant Letter[1]Tceq TXI by Bridgette

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